Mo’s Best Friend, A Stone-Age Story

Dawn landscape of hills and mountains with a Stone-Age family looking busy by a hillside cave.

Long, long ago in the Stone Age

‘Long, long ago in the Stone Age, before stories where written down, Mo and her family lived on the side of a hill, not so far from where you are now…’

When Mo makes friends with a little wild beast, her family are horrified – wild beasts are dangerous.  But could this wild beast save baby Babba from a hungry lynx and become a friend to the whole family?  And then what would they call him?  This heart-warming story about a Stone-Age family and the first dog is inspired by the  recent discovery of a child’s footprint alongside a dog’s pawprint from 26,000 years ago.

Front and back cover of Mo's Best Friend

Front and back cover of Mo’s Best Friend

We are all the living descendants of the clever, strong and amazingly talented, nomadic peoples of the Stone-Age who knew how to work with nature.

I feel very lucky to have tried out some of their many survival skills  thanks to a  prehistoric survival family day in Suffolk with the amazing Will Lord of Prehistoric Survival.  Huge respect to people like Will Lord, who know how to turn flint and bone into tools for hunting, cooking and making clothes and  turn dried nettles into twine and more!

I learnt I am no flint knapper but ever since I visited the cave of Peche Merle with my children and later the cave of Chauvet,  I have been dreaming up stories about a girl I called Little Mo.  I am now sharing the story of how Mo befriended a puppy and introduced it into our human family and to inspiring lots of children in schools, bookshops and festivals.

Here are  2 ‘tracking’ activities to download for your children to do at home or at school.  They are  inspired by Mo and her family in the story who managed to track down their runaway Babba – and more!


Printable game for children to track Mo's way to her dog, the lynx and a deer

Help Mo find her way to her dog by following the dog paws. Clue – they are smaller and the claws are more pointy than lynx paws!

Download MO’s paw print game to print  HERE

And here’s a craft activity for you to make lots of tracks to create a path for a hunting game or a maze of tracks of your own.

Activity sheet - two ways to make paw and footprint tracks

Stencil and Potato printing for paw and footprint tracks

Download HERE